Wednesday, June 21, 2006

He is so grace-FULL

Down on my knees down on my face
You just say it's ok
So many days I've thrown away
You just say it's ok

I don't think I could ever repay
Your perfect grace, but it's ok
It's ok, It's ok
It's ok, It's ok

You've become my embrace
Just tell me it's ok
Your precious words intoxicate
A heart that aches; it's ok
You don't recall my past mistakes
You just say it's ok
The human mind can't calculate
Your perfect grace, but it's ok

Even though You've seen a thousand times
I've let you down
You're always there if I should call Your name
You're unashamed, unashamed

Song: OK
Artist: Mutemath

How can He have so much love that His grace is sufficient for me, the worst of all sinners? How can He have more left over for every other fallen person? How can He love so deeply & abundantly that it spills over in my soul, and there is always more?
Surely this is an awesome God! Thank you, Father, for being so intimate with us, despite Your vast power.

1 comment:

Ann-Marie said...

it is exactly this grace that brings me to tears when i think about it. i can not fathom his unending love for and grace given to us.

so who's mutemath?