Sunday, November 26, 2006

In & Out

When He becomes our only hope, love, obsession, anything & everything is God calls us to is feasible, surmountable, a piece of His glory waiting to shine through. Maybe that's part of the way He resurrects us... into a new, empowered, and eternal life that doesn't retreat.

I was so encouraged to read the story of Lazarus in John 11. Here we see perhaps the most tangible vision of Christ resurrecting a man from death. I was keen to note Lazarus' reaction upon his resurrection: he didn't go back into the cave, he didn't leave his burial clothes on, he was certainly never the same. By simply answering Jesus' call to come to Him and come alive, Lazarus became a beacon of God's love that people sought out when they couldn't get to Jesus.

What makes us think that the tomb will offer security? Comfort? Anything but death and stagnance? We've all been there... why do we choose to go back, when we've been freely given life and His presence forever?!

If you're in a tomb, COME OUT. Let me reiterate,
Jesus would love to see you, God's people would love to see you, and the world needs to see you.

If you're standing outside but kept your burial clothes on, keep in mind that you are alive now, and you will be joining a battle for the spiritual lives of yourself & many others. Who will you belong to? "Playing dead" is as good as being dead, so let us throw off those hindrances.

If you're anywhere near your old tomb, look back only in gratefulness for your new life, and despise its chains. He alone has the power to triumph over death, over darkness, so let us not forget or take for granted that He has been our rescue. What a mighty God we serve. Hallelujah, thank you, Life-Giver!

1 comment:

MeganBritt said...

welcome baaaa-aack! and amen to a good word!