Thursday, October 26, 2006

It's not easy, being Wee

The tiny circle of friends who read this blog have all created their own "Wee Me's," and have exerted their influence on me. I've never been small, so I thought I'd give it a try. Is it (wee) me?

I have to admit, I was rather disappointed in Wee World's minimal eye-color selection. Where is the hazel section, people?! Ah, well. Have fun making your own.


MeganBritt said...

if wee-gan is really real sized, than emiwee isn't quite tall enough... :P

Ann-Marie said...

yay! it's emi-wee! :)

i'm disappointed that you can't create a true wee-world, where you have a page that lists your wee buddies on it. :(

glad you gave it a try!

fdbtoo said...

Don't mean to be a stickler for detail(because there are an over- abundance of sticklers)BUT your wee personage is actually a mirror image of yourself. Oh wee-ll!

Melissa said...

i LOVE it! too cute. and spot-on. not half as good as the weeal thing, though. :)