Thursday, August 23, 2007

A New Season

As you can see, I got bored with my old blog layout. It was time for something new, and something that I could have my hands on a little more directly. Blogger made it very easy for me, I just had to pick a few colors. Plus, changing the colors of your blog is a lot faster, easier, and cheaper than changing the colors of your house.
Anyway, more quality posts to come in the future. I realize I have unwillfully been "on hiatus" from posting much in the way of anything substantial, and for that I blame summer and myself. I have enjoyed a very quick summer off, and am grateful to God for the period of rest and rejuevenation. It has been a whirlwind of a summer, with a lot of unexpected things popping up and the Lord has been as faithful as ever. Wonder upon wonder, grace upon grace, He never ceases to amaze me.
During this summer, I have been able to learn a new skill that I will be using to teach graphic/print design to high-schoolers, visit with some of my very best friends in the midwest at their own homes, drive across the I-35 bridge in Minnesota 2 weeks before it collapsed, host a few friends, go to Lake Michigan 4 times, have a somewhat surprising "summer birthday" party hosted by my ever-loving family, see a few movies (including Ratatouille TWICE!), purchase a new computer, take TONS of photographs, attend 2 weddings, start a personal business, and a new relationship.
Next week I go back to school - Tuesday, to be exact. I am not looking forward to it one bit. As my dad says, "Teachers work hard and play hard." I will miss playing as hard as I have this summer! However, my excitement is building for the next season. It's always thrilling to have a BRAND NEW SEASON from God - things are never the same, they are always challenging, and they are always better with Him.


emmajane said...

...and I am not surprised that you identified my blog as "slate blue". ;)

praise God for new seasons in life, and His grace which is new DAILY.

Melissa said...

i am glad that you have enjoyed this season of rest and play - and hope the next one brings joy and enthusiasm with its crunchy leaves and new mercies. happy friday!