Saturday, January 05, 2008

Resolute in 2008

I was tagged by a friend to share my 2008 resolutions. It's funny that she tagged me because I had been thinking about whether or not I was going to formalize any definite resolutions for myself this year. On the one hand, resolutions can be a list of things we should be doing anyway, but slacked off or gave up on them at some point the last year. On the other hand, a new year can bring out a great desire to start fresh and not be tainted or corrupted by the bad habits that seem to set in unintentionally. 
With all that said, I resolve to:
  • Read More. My goal is to read 10 books this year, 6 by July 1. (No, not picture books.) I'm starting with this one.
  • Regularly Practice Creativity. By disciplining myself to use the skills and the brain God has given me for 1 hour a week, I aim to allow the Holy Spirit time to fill me up and enrich my life via various forms of creativity. 
  • Enhance My Understanding of Photography. Though it's possible to learn a lot through practice and experimentation, I think it's time I further my education related to photography. It has intrigued me and I remain interested in pursuing it, to see how I can get better at it and how the Lord can be glorified in it. I'll either take a class or look into some type of apprenticeship.
  • Establish a Budget (& Stick to It). I am at a point in my life where I have a regular paying job and have to be a responsible steward of God's money & gifts. I hope to establish a basic living budget and develop a lifestyle of humble living and giving to those in need. You can't take it with you!

In posting my resolutions publicly, I hereby give you, the reader, permission to hold me accountable to my intentions. Please feel free to check on me, keep me in check, call me out, and encourage me as I seek more of Christ's Kingdom in 2008.
Meanwhile, I hope Jesus comes back tomorrow and finds us hard @ work.

P.S. It's a little late now, so I won't be tagging anybody to share their resolutions. The buck stops here.


Ann-Marie said...

nicely done, em. i'm sure you will do a great job of sticking to your resolutions! thanks for indulging me. :)

Melissa said...

Great resolutions, Emily! I, too, am hoping to increase my limited knowledge behind the camera lens this year. Can't wait to see what comes of yours!