Monday, November 12, 2007

Our Beautiful Inheritance

The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot.
The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.

-Psalm 16:5-6-

I love the hope I have in Christ. I revel in His love, in His great grace and deep mercy. He has taken my scandalous, sin-infested existence and traded it for a beautiful inheritance with His rich blood. I am adopted into God's family as a legitimate daughter by Jesus' death and resurrection. In choosing the Lord as my portion, I am perfectly filled. Not in a "I just ate a great meal" sort of way, but in a deep, eternal satisfaction and unrelenting assurance sort of way.
Praise to the God who can fill me like nothing else can - whose glory knows no bounds.


Anonymous said...

yeahhh that's our psalm!! :) I have it written on my bathroom mirror so I will stop forgetting about it, and those verses are some of my favorites...although I could probably say that about all the verses. and the ones in our philippians passage. man, we really know how to choose some awesome scripture to memorize! or else God just really knows what he's talking about and loves to speak to us through his Word... :) PTL!

Emily said...

"God tried text-messaging us once, but that didn't work, so He had to send Christ in the flesh."
-Pastor Fred