Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Happy Birthday Alison!

Today is Alison's birthday and I just want to honor her for being such a good sister to me & Jake, daughter to our parents, and friend to all of us. I was brainstorming for what I would write that was publishable... and I got so sidetracked and tickled by some of our memories that I think I'll just list them out and let those who were actually there for each "episode" of Alison's life to enjoy reminiscing privately.
  • Poodies, Doops, Big Kahuna, Ali Baba, Ral, Ralson, Ralseen, Chooch.
  • Easter egg hunts, "Meet-sie Potts," Reading books, Aladdin tent, Ears plugged, 1/2-moon, Dirty looks at smokers in downtown Chicago, "Shhhhhhh, " Sleeping in my room Christmas Eve, Waking up at 4:30 a.m. on Christmas morning, Maggie the turtle, "I don't even know what that means."
  • "Crushes" on: Jesse, Jake, Me (?!), Tanner, every boy, Tanner again.
  • Big Tex, Wal-mart, Dairy Queen, Face Lotion on the plane, "It's the culture," PHS vs. SHS volleyball, The Great Black Friday Cheese Incident, "Sisters, sisters - there were never such devoted sisters" (as performed by Ali and our cousin!), Random screaming or laughing, BB slippage (in more ways than one), "Can you not use up all the hot water?", Slaps on the face, The Grits, "Nake!", Cheetah EVERYTHING, When You Think Tim McGraw, "I fell on my butt," All things that are good.

For my little sister, who has grown into my fashion consultant, my psycho-analyst, my laughing buddy, my understanding ear, my vacation buddy, my volleyball comrade, & my friend - I love you now and forever. You're a beautiful woman with an invaluable amount of strength, life, vibrance, hope and joy to offer everyone. It's my prayer that you will continue to turn that all over to Jesus, who knows all of you & loves every bit of His creation. Happy Birthday!

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