Saturday, August 23, 2008

7 DAYS!!!

That's right, one week until I am Mrs. Emily Betcher. It has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? I always thought so. And check out the forecast for next Saturday!!!

Anyway, I am off to photograph a wedding today. It's in South Haven and while the weather looks BEAUTIFUL this morning, there is a 40% chance of showers & thunderstorms this afternoon (when the wedding commences). Please pray for clear weather for the couple, Liza & Dustin! It is a beach ceremony, which has been their dream and desire. I would love the opportunity to shoot this wedding outside, as well.

I borrowed a friend's Canon 5D, so hopefully I'll come away with some nice shots on both that and my little Rebel XTi. I am saving up for a 5D (or whatever new & improved Canon version comes out in April), and have a few weddings & senior portraits to do, to help me purchase one. My goal with my business is to stay debt-free, so if I have to rent or borrow other equipment, or "just make do" with my current equipment, that's just fine with me! I want to keep learning and pushing myself to grow and to better understand the technology I have, to serve others. There is a reason God gave me the ability to purchase my XTi, and I would hate for discontent to cloud that reason. As I once told my dad (and he is faithful to remind me), "It's not the camera that takes the picture."

A sneak-peak at a few more of Alison's senior pics (the ones she decided on):

1 comment:

Orlando said...

Emily ...

I'm Melissa's (Velez) dad ... and I must say: the image of your sister under the storm clouds is ... STUNNING! The metering is spot-on, the composition is excellent in every way (and your sister's pose and beautiful smile didn't hurt, either!), the colors are dynamic and, well, I love your image! The other photograph with your sister surrounded by daisies is ALSO superb!
By the way, I will NEVER (EVER!) give up on my beloved FILM cameras (I have five excellent film cameras) --- although I own the renowned SONY A-700 and several high quality optics (lenses) for it. Much as I love my A-700, I love my FILM cameras every bit as much (Melissa believes I love them even more! She's probably right!).
Finally, Emily, I LOVE the fact that you love the Lord! God bless you and prosper you in every way!