Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Russell Engagement Photos

I have uploaded to my Faithful Photography Smugmug site about 2/3 of the photos from last Friday's engagement shoot with the future Mr. & Mrs. Russell! As time allows, the remaining photos will be added, as well. Click here to peruse a gallery of photos. Feel free to leave comments on the photos & vote for your favorites. It helps me become a better photographer - I LOVE constructive criticism!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

first i'll comment on your blog:
i looked at the pictures but didn't comment on any of them because i'm no photographer... and i thought they all were pretty amazing! i liked the ones in front of the big teal picture... it matched her necklace! and thanks for the heads up about the construction!

now my blog:
after some contemplation i recalled that my first memory of fred was from emily's first year in master's commission (fred's second). my friend crystal, my sister mary, and i all went to bcc to visit emily. the day was winding down and everyone was getting ready to go home... zac decided he wanted to wrestle kenny gaddes. so the two of them went at it in the foyer of the church with me, emily, lauren, crystal and mary watching. as they wrestled some of their clothing came dislodged (if you catch my drift) and just then fred walked down the stairs... he glanced at them... made no visible reaction and nonchalantly said "crack kills" and walked away. as for the funniest memory of fred... that's hard to say. there was one day when shealee and kendra and i decided to scare fred so we made kendra hide in the boys bathroom while shea and i went to tell fred there was water running in the boys bathroom and we thought it was flooding, but we could barely talk without laughing. he knew something was up so when kendra jumped out at him he didn't even flinch... i think it scared kendra more than it scared fred- she said she was so afraid pastor tom would walk in and see her there!